Assessment Work

Terracad’s clients often require assistance in performing, reporting and filing assessment work to maintain their properties in good standing with the Ministry of Mines for the particular jurisdiction.  Mineral tenures can be jeopardized by failure to file such work or to pay appropriate cash-in-lieu fees in a timely manner. Terracad’s personnel are familiar with the procedures and requirements and efficiently compile technical and cost data to comply with the rules. Such services are particularly valued by start-up or early stage companies that do not yet have their own technical staff.

Assessment work can take several forms, including physical work, such as hand or bulldozer trenching, re-opening underground workings, road building, and drilling, technical work, such as prospecting, geological mapping, geochemical and geophysical surveys, and core drilling.  In all cases, the resulting information has to be organized and detailed in some form:  physical work has to be described in terms of volumes of earth or rock moved, hours of heavy equipment usage, man-days of workers, numbers of samples collected with reference to property boundaries and physical features or to a grid.  Technical work can take many forms and has to be reported in terms of objectives, work done (i.e. no. of samples, line-kms of grid surveyed), results obtained and conclusions, if any.  Reports have to meet certain standards and the author(s) has to have knowledge, skills and experience commensurate with the topic.

Terracad’s associates have the ability to efficiently organize and execute the work and compile the data. Cost statements in support of expenditures are prepared from the client’s information and those expenditures are distributed to the appropriate claims for maximum protection of titles.